Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nihon Gambate!

In this tradgic time, the above Signatures trailer is Japan at its very best!

Nihon Gambate! (Ne- hon Gam-ba-teh) Translates to... Try your best Japan!

Earthquake, Tsunami and now Nuclear Fallout are all bad enough by themselves...

I had the fortune of living in Japan in 1997 - 1998 when the Winter Olympics where on and Hokkaido had some 27 meters of pow, scoring some super deep sessions well before the droves of Australian snow hounds had sniffed out the goods...

I also had the pleasure of immersing myself deep into their fascinating and rich culture and loved exploring their unique and mysterious ways...

Japanese have such a beautiful ability battle through and to communicate their ideas... In challenging or trying times they would say "Gambate", which literally mean "face the challenge" and / or "try your best" and / or "chin up"...

I think any of these are fitting under the terrifying circumstances...

Natural Disaster and Nuclear Power Plants DON"T mix!

How many Chernobyl's will it take to learn???

Nihon Gambate!

Here's a picture of the Tsunami's wave reach below

And here's an image of the projected Nuclear Fallout over the next week or so...

Holy Fukushima! It doesn't make sense, does it?

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