FRESH MULLET had the privilege of stepping aboard The BOB BARKER, one of 3 vessels in the SEA SHEPARD CONSERVATION SOCIETY fleet today. The ship is in the area getting some well deserved TLC and a new camo paint job for its next mission up into the tropics to help police illegal shark fishing around the Palau (Caroline Islands) waters.
Fresh Mullet was lucky enough to get a tour of the ship and talk conservation with Ben Potts and Andrea Gordon (Bob Barkers Bosun and Ships Manager).
Stay tuned for more in the coming week, but in the mean time check out The Bob Barker high, dry and naked....

Some interesting facts about The BOB BARKER, it was originally a Norwegian whaling vessel built in 1950 making it 61 years young. Its the 2nd ship in the Sea Shepard fleet. The money to purchase the ship was donated by the American T.V personality Bob Barker (The Price Is Right) who is an avid conservationist of wild life. If you were to stop and fill up The Bob Barker at the petrol station it would set you back close to half a million bucks...ouch. If your petrol bill isn't that much and you can afford to donate to Sea Shepard and stop the killing of whales in the southern oceans..here's a link
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