Today the Climate Commission released it latest report, here are the key messages...
The Critical Decade: key messages
Over many decades thousands of scientists have painted an unambiguous picture: the global climate is changing and humanity is almost surely the dominant cause. The risks have never been clearer and the case for action has never been more urgent.
Our Earth’s surface is warming rapidly and we can already see social, economic and environmental impacts in Australia.
Failing to take sufficient action today entails potentially huge risks to our economy, society and way of life into the future. This is the critical decade for action.
The following points highlight the key messages arising from the accompanying report The Critical Decade:
1. There is no doubt that the climate is changing. The evidence is overwhelming and clear.
2. We are already seeing the social, economic and environmental impacts of a changing climate.
3. It is beyond reasonable doubt that human activities – the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation – are triggering the changes we are witnessing in the global climate.
4. This is the critical decade. Decisions we make from now to 2020 will determine the severity of climate change our children and grandchildren experience.
to find out more go to http://climatecommission.gov.au/
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