Here are the powerful oening Paragraphs --
We are still in the earliest stages of learning how what we do for a living both threatens nature and fails to meet our deepest human needs. The impoverishment of our world and the devaluing of the priceless undermine our physical and economic well-being.
Yet the depth and breadth of technological innovation of the past few decades shows that we have not lost our most useful gifts: humans are ingenious, adaptive, clever. We also have moral capacity, compassion for life, and an appetite for justice. We now need to more fully engage these gifts to make economic life more socially just and environmentally responsible, and less destructive to nature and the commons that sustain us.

“We’ve come to the heart of our book, which is to lay out the elements of business responsibility, as we see them, to five key stakeholders: owners, workers, customers, communities, and nature. For each element we will provide a related checklist of things companies can do to become more socially and environmentally responsible while strengthening their business health.” Download The Responsible Company checklist
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